Entertainment and Culture for

Climate Action - ECCA.

Film Crew Team Filming Movie Scene

What is ECCA?

Entertainment and Culture for Climate Action (ECCA) is a global collaborative initiative to unite the cultural sector on shared climate goals and solutions. Initially conceived by the President of the UN General Assembly, ECCA has brought together stakeholders in the film and television sector and will be gradually expanding to include all entertainment and culture including theater, music, performing arts and visual arts. ECCA is part of the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, a framework to support implementation of the Paris Agreement by non-State actors and advance ambition by strengthening collaboration between governments and key stakeholders, under the leadership of the High-Level Champions.

The launch of this initiative is supported by: the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat and the UN Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO);

Governance: A Convening Team and Steering Committee composed of experts from entertainment and the arts, sustainability, and academia; and a General Assembly of +430 global members of the entertainment sector.

This initiative sets out to…

  • Organize signatories to ratify and implement a Climate Accord for the entertainment sector, in line with the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Reduce the negative environmental impacts of developing, producing and distributing entertainment content and other art forms;
  • Promote the exchange of existing tools and resources, and communicate knowledge on climate action and sustainability solutions;
  • Activate climate awareness and action through the narrative power of creative industries.

…and has these primary outcome goals:

  1. An Accord, drafted as a “Hybrid” framework, with two different components:
    1. Part I, universal for all stakeholders and signatories and consisting of five goals, acknowledging the power and potential of the sector to lead globally the mission of climate action; and
    2. Part II, execution of these commitments, specific to each of the five goals and varying depending on stakeholder type, geographical placement, and capacity.
  2. A connected and interactive Mapping Database surveying existing local and global initiatives and promoting contact and collaboration between sustainability experts and practitioners around the world at every stage of the creative sector.
  3. Other ongoing programming and training sessions, as decided by its members.

ECCA is currently comprised of:

People Group Illustration

+430 General Assembly Members

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+220 Organizations & Stakeholders

Illustration of Globe

+57 Countries Represented

ECCA has currently accomplished:

  • The facilitation of 6 open Assembly meetings led by the UNFCCC and Convening Team since Q1 of 2021, initially forming this initiative under the working title Entertainment Net Zero Accord (ENZA)
  • The co-hosting of in-person events at COP27, JacksonWild, UN Moment for Nature, Hollywood Climate Summit, Sustainable Production Forum among others…

Why should I join this initiative?

  1. We have a moral responsibility to protect this planet and its inhabitants, and the future of the creative industries depends on a sustainable future for all;
  2. A long-term climate action plan requires mutual understanding, partnership, social inclusion and equal representation;
  3. ECCA structure follows the UNFCCC approach providing an impartial global network for mutual aid, skill sharing, and collaboration;
  4. Our skills as filmmakers, artists, storytellers, and creatives equip us to bring ideas to life for our audiences, and have the power to increase awareness, educate, and inspire viewers to create and implement action.

What are the commitments of ECCA participants?

ECCA is a work in progress and depends on the collaborative spirit and voluntary involvement of its members. Participants will be notified and invited to be involved on initiatives, events, and task forces as they develop, and will be invited to attend quarterly Assembly meetings to vote on initiatives, governance, and outreach.